Angelina Jolie Untrustworthy-Chelsea Handler

Angelina Jolie Untrustworthy-Chelsea Handler

Chelsea Handler branded Angelina Jolie a ‘homewrecker’ back in 2010…and now much to Jennifer Aniston’s annoyance…she’s now called her untrustworthy.

The comedienne lashed out when asked during an interview who she thinks would be the opposite of a girls’ girl. She responded: ‘Probably Angelina Jolie. She doesn’t strike me as someone I would have a close friendship with. You just know as a woman, when you see another woman, if that’s a woman you can trust.’

Chelsea is (or was at one point) one of Jennifer’s closest friends but for some reason can’t seem to keep her opinions about the woman who helped end her besties marriage way way way way back in 2005. It’s been 7 years. Get over it. Jen keeps trying to but stuff like this keeps coming up. They’ve been divorced longer than they were married Chelsea. Find someone else to play blame game with.

Here’s what Chelsea said about Angie in 2010…in case you’ve forgotten:

‘She’s a homewrecker, she is. She can rescue as many babies from as many countries as she wants to,’ she said of the actress, who has three adopted children.

‘I don’t f***ing believe you. She gives interviews, “I don’t have a lot of female friends.” Because you’re a f***ing c***,’ she continued.

‘You’re a f***ing b****!’

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